Leiter Alm – Hochgangjoch – Rötelspitze
Lagundo, Merano & Surroundings
The Spronser Rötel, or Rötelspitze is a little overshadowed by its neighbors, the Tschigat and the Mutspitze. However, it is a beautiful peak in the course of an exciting round tour in the Texelgruppe. The Texel Group Nature Park is known for its thick pine woods, sun-l...
The Spronser Rötel, or Rötelspitze is a little overshadowed by its neighbors, the Tschigat and the Mutspitze. However, it is a beautiful peak in the course of an exciting round tour in the Texelgruppe. The Texel Group Nature Park is known for its thick pine woods, sun-lit meadows, high moorland, lonely Alpine pastures and little farms, steep rock faces, tumbling streams, crystal-clear lakes and imposing mountain peaks.

Starting point of this tour is the Leiter Alm, which can be reached from Vellau via the basket lift facility. Take the Hochgangweg (path # 24) to the Hochgang refuge hut (1,839 metres) and then turn right onto path # 7, which will lead you to the Hochgangjoch (2,455 metres). At the start, this path leads you in easy bends to the water spring. From there, only people who do not get easily dizzy are recommended to walk onto the steep rock and the saddleback. Once you’ve arrived there, turn right and follow the path # 5 to the Rötelspitze (2,625 metres). Return journey: the same route (# 7 and # 24) or, alternative, from the Hochgangjoch on path # 7 and # 22 to the Lake Grün and to the Oberkaser hut. Then take path # 25 to the Taufenscharte and back to the Leiter Alm.


Through the Adige Valley to Algund and from there to Vellau.