Corsa Capanna Nuova
Aldino, Bolzano & Environs
This easy loop trail over the Capanna Nuova alpine meadow starts northward in a slight ascent. After reaching the highest point, at 2,009 meters above sea level, along the slope of Corno Bianco, the next 3 kilometers continue on a steadily downhill trail. Turning to the left, th...

This easy loop trail over the Capanna Nuova alpine meadow starts northward in a slight ascent. After reaching the highest point, at 2,009 meters above sea level, along the slope of Corno Bianco, the next 3 kilometers continue on a steadily downhill trail. Turning to the left, the Malga Capanna Nuova cabin would offer a refreshment stop. Otherwise, the forest road continues evenly towards the east. The special route S3 is located on this flat stretch and proves ideal for a sprint session.