Bike Tour to the Wannser Hut
San Leonardo in Passiria, Merano & Surroundings
24,20 km Distance Length
930 m Vertical Meters
3 hours Duration
Start and End:
St. Leonhard/ San Leonardo
This special tour leads us to a beautiful rustic hut.

The tour starts in St. Leonhard/ San Leonardo. We drive in the direction of Jaufenburg and follow the path nr. 12 uphill, towards Karlegg and Larcher. Therafter, turn left into the path nr. 16 towards Walten and as soon as you reach the first houses, You turn right into the forest road nr. 14, which leads you directly to the Wannser Hut.

Follow path nr. 14 for the return journey, until You reach Walten. Thereafter, follow the street, uphill to the Jaufenpass/ Passo Giovooand return to St. Leonhard/ San Leonardo.

Description to arrive:

Coming from Merano to the Passeier Valley until S. Leonardo/St. Leonhard.

Car Park:

In Raiffeisenplatz square, in the center of St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo, there is underground parking in the garage. On the 1st floor the first hour of parking is free. On the 2nd floor there is free parking without time limits.