From the Piffinger Köpfl to the Waidmann Alm
4,90 km Distance Length
140 m Vertical Meters
2 hours Duration
Start and End:
Merano 2000 cable car
This moderately difficult hike is rewarded with beautiful panoramic views. To round off the day perfectly, you can take the Alpine Bob 2000 at the mountain station.
  • Technique
  • Stamina
  • Landscape
  • Experience

From the mountain station walk to the Piffinger Köpfl, from where an overwhelming panorama can be experienced: the peaks of the Dolomites, Brenta, Ortler group, Texel group are waiting to be admired. Follow the signs for Waidmann hut and trail no. 18. After a short stretch of trail, you come to a crossroads and turn right, staying on trail no. 18A. It leads through a dense forest and crosses a stream. The path is comfortable, only slightly uphill.

You leave the forest behind and catch sight of the Ifinger massif on your left. You cannot see the actual summit, it is a little behind it. After a good 45 minutes you reach the Kuhleitengröben. Here you cross a small stream again and walk a little steeper uphill for a short while. You are now in the heart of the Merano 2000 area (www.meran-2000.it). In winter people are skiing here, in the warm season hikers set the tone. The view of the Dolomites is particularly impressive in the
early evening hours. After a short ascent you already reach the Waidmann hut (2,040 m).

Here you can take a break and fortify yourself. There is plenty of space for the children to play and romp around. For the way back, choose either the same route or the slightly longer, upper trail no. 3, which first climbs to the lift station (not in
operation during the hiking months) and then runs parallel to the outward route.

At Piffinger Köpfl you will find the “Alpin Bob” the longest rail sledge run in Italy (www.hafling-meran2000.eu). Have a good ride!


By car: drive from the Mirabell in five minutes, towards the car park Merano 2000

By feet: go in the direction of he cable car Merano 2000, about 45 minutes to walk.