Andriano – Bolzano – Andriano
Andriano, Bolzano & Environs
35,00 km Distance Length
168 m Vertical Meters
2.5 hours Duration
Start and End:
An eventful tour to a charming city.

From Andriano, head to the bike path coasting the Adige river towards Terlano, then follow the sign southwards to the centre of Bolzano and back. Asphalt track all the way, the first partial part with some traffic.


Note: Pay a visit to the medieval castle Runkelstein.


From the North: Motorway A22, exit Bozen-Süd, then on the expressway MEBO to exit Terlan/ Andrian.

From the West: Over the Reschenpass to Meran, then on the MEBO expressway to the Terlan/Andrian -exit.