Auna di Sopra – Rosswagen – Pemmern – Tann – Auna di Sopra
Renon, Bolzano & Environs
12,41 km Distance Length
415 m Vertical Meters
Start and End:
Auna di Sopra
This a bit more strenous tour rewards you with beautiful panoramic views.
  • Technique
  • Stamina
  • Landscape
  • Experience

We start the tour in Oberinn, the sunniest village on the Ritten plateau. We have several possibilities to park our car here.

In this tour description, we get on our bikes (trail 4A and then 4) and gain height quite quickly. The panorama opens up above the village of Oberinn.

We keep on course to the “Rosswagen” and always stay on trail 4 until we reach it. Here, bikers in good shape can extend the tour to the Rittner Horn, we turn right and let our bikes run freely to “Pemmern”. Soon afterwards, staying on the asphalt road, we reach the Tann and turn right onto trail 10.

We soon have the most technically demanding part of the trail behind us and soon reach the farmsteads “Hotscher” and “Häusler”. We can follow the asphalted country road and enter Oberinn or take the road back to Klobenstein.


You can park your car in Auna di Sopra or get there with your bike.