Renon, Bolzano & Environs
2,92 km Distance Length
79 m Vertical Meters
Start and End:
This tour passes a part of the hisotric imperial road.
  • Technique
  • Stamina
  • Landscape
  • Experience

From the parking place “Zentral” in Klobenstein we follow the path 24 until to the so-called “Ulrichspass”, the highest point of the historical imperial road, over which up until the 14th century A.D. the old Brenner route lead to south.

After the small pond at the “Amtmann” we follow the road to the “Sporthotel Spögler” and shortly thereafter turn to the right into the path 21A and then follow the path 21. After a short ascent we reach Klobenstein again and our starting point at the parking lot “Zentral”.


You can start directly from the hotel Bemelmans Post.