– in S. Martin/S. Martino: Haupold, Saltaus, Granstein, Kalm, Baumkirch, Gereuth, Steinhaus
– in St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo: Ebion, Buchenegg, Happerg, Gomion
In Vorderpasseiertal Valley/ Bassa Val Passiria there are some unique buildings: farmhouses built mostly of wo...
– in S. Martin/S. Martino: Haupold, Saltaus, Granstein, Kalm, Baumkirch, Gereuth, Steinhaus
– in St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo: Ebion, Buchenegg, Happerg, Gomion
In Vorderpasseiertal Valley/ Bassa Val Passiria there are some unique buildings: farmhouses built mostly of wood, or a castle-like building overgrown with ivy and decorated with ancient sundials or frescoes. The history of the Schildhof farmers dates back to the 13th century, when they served Count Albert of Tyrol (1190-1253) as shield-bearers. As a result, the large farms were granted many privileges. What remains now are only fishing rights in the Passer river.
Tip: Passeirer Schildhöfeweg trail