Alpenranch Himmelreich
Corno del Renon, Bolzano & Environs
Renon, South Tyrol environs of Bolzano – Ritten, sunny highplateau near Bolzano .pngfix { behavior: url(/css/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc); } body { behavior: url(/css/csshover2.htc); } Explore the wonderful world of Renon’s endless landscape of woods and meadows ...

Renon, South Tyrol environs of Bolzano – Ritten, sunny highplateau near Bolzano
.pngfix { behavior: url(/css/iepngfix/iepngfix.htc); }

body { behavior: url(/css/csshover2.htc); }

Explore the wonderful world of Renon’s endless landscape of woods and meadows than from the back of a horse, never losing sight of the wonderful and majestic Dolomites.