Hiking path: Moso/Moos – Nemes Alm Alpine Farm
Sesto, Puster Valley
A wonderful, easy winter hike with a lovely mountain hut to stop at for refreshments.

The trail goes uphill from Moso towards the Berghotel. If you turn right at the first fork you come to the Froneben mountain inn (1,540 m). Now you walk on trail no. 139 across the Obere Oltl upland moor to trail no. 13, a forest road. This leads through dense pine forests to the gorge carved out by the Sextner Bach stream. At a fork in the trail near a tall cross, you continue straight on to a lovely high plateau called “Saumahd”. From here it takes about 30 minutes to reach the Nemes Alm  (1,877 m). Wide areas of Alpine pasture extend in all directions. There is also a wonderful view of the Sexten Dolomites and the Cadore mountain range. From the Nemes Alm Alpine farm it takes about 45 minutes to reach the Coltrondo Alm (closed).Return: From the Nemes Alm or the Coltrondo Alm farm, head down to the Kreuzberg Pass and return to Moso either on foot (1.5 hours) or by bus.