People have always looked on the Witches’ Benches on the Puflatsch as being a magical spot. It is here that the Schlern witches are said to have gathered together before flying over the Schlern. The witches are no longer here, but their benches are as wonderful as ever: The rocky...
People have always looked on the Witches’ Benches on the Puflatsch as being a magical spot. It is here that the Schlern witches are said to have gathered together before flying over the Schlern. The witches are no longer here, but their benches are as wonderful as ever: The rocky porphyry boulders in the form of armchairs are a fabulous spot to stop off for a rest. And for an extra bonus: The 360° view over the Schlern and the Seiser Alm, Tiosels, the Val Gardena/Gröden Valley, Ritten and the Ortles in the distance.