Val di Fundres – Rifugio Bodenalm
Terento, Puster Valley
Starting from the sports field in Fundres/Pfunders (1,158 m) on an asphalt road towards Dun. Take the turnoff direction Eggerseite so that you arrive on the “old Duner road” (gravel road). Follow the signs to Bodenalm. Bike & Hike Tip: you can walk up to the lake...

Starting from the sports field in Fundres/Pfunders (1,158 m) on an asphalt road towards Dun. Take the turnoff direction Eggerseite so that you arrive on the “old Duner road” (gravel road). Follow the signs to Bodenalm.

Bike & Hike Tip: you can walk up to the lake and to the Edelraut hut (2,545).