Parcines Adventure Round Trip
Partschins, Merano & Surroundings
This round trip leads through Vertigen along the historic Partschins/Parcines irrigation canal path (Partschinser Waalweg). The path leads along the so-called Trail of Tales, which passes numerous prehistoric findings, cult places and locations related to witchcraft tales (infor...

This round trip leads through Vertigen along the historic Partschins/Parcines irrigation canal path (Partschinser Waalweg). The path leads along the so-called Trail of Tales, which passes numerous prehistoric findings, cult places and locations related to witchcraft tales (information on the Trail of Tales is available at the local tourist offices). The path leads past several farms and inns and leads up to the top spot of this tour: the 97 m high Parcines waterfall.



Tour StartPartschins/Parcines village centerTour EndPartschins/Parcines village center

From Partschins/Parcines travel east to route n° 7A, heading towards the historic Partschins/Parcines irrigation canal path (Partschinser Waalweg) in the direction of Salten. Shortly before the Salten crossing, the path leads to the right onto the Partschins Trail of Tales, passing prehistoric settlements and places connected to ancient cults, worship and witchcraft, up to the historic Ebnerhof farm. From here, the way leads through the forest (n° 1, then 23) to the Prünster inn at 1,196 m. From there the easy downhill hiking path n° 23 leads down to the Wasserfall inn, past the 97m high Partschins waterfall (at 1,060 m). On the way down the valley, take trail n° 8B past the Birkenwald inn – the way leads first to the right and then to the left on Wasserfallstraße street, on path n° 1 leading past the Winklerhof farm/inn at 642 m. The trail turns left and heads over the suspension bridge on route n° 39 and then back down to Partschins/Parcines.
