Picco Palù/Großen Moosstock 3060 m
Campo Tures, Puster Valley
The Picco Palù/Grosser Moosstock (3061 m) is one of the most strinkin peaks in the Valli di Tures e Aurina/Tauferer Ahrntal. Only for expert hikers!

Starting point: car park Gasteiger farm in Acereto/Ahornach. We hike uphill following the street to the first right hand bend where we proceed straight on passing the barrier until we arrive at a signpost which leads us down on the right onto path nr.10b to the Schlafhäuser. From there we always follow the signpost “Moosstock”.


Coming from the north:

München – Rosenheim – Kufstein – Innsbruck – Brennerautobahn – exit at Brixen – national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße to Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley – Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures – Ahornach/ Acereto

Coming from the west:

Reschen pass, Bozen, Brixen and national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße to Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley – Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures – Ahornach/ Acereto

Coming from the east:

Motorway Tauernautobahn or Felbertauern tunnel to Lienz and continue on to Innichen -Toblach – Bruneck – turn right into the Ahrntal Valley – Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures – Ahornach/ Acereto

Coming from the south:

Verona – Trento – Bozen – Motorway Brennerautobahn to the exit at Brixen – national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley – Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures – Ahornach/ Acereto