Family hike from the Paolina hut to Roda di Vael hut
Nova Levante - Lago di Carezza, Eggental
Easy hike for the whole family on scenic mountain trails. The highlight of the entire route is a visit to the Christomannos Monument -a bronze eagle, which was built in honor of the tourism pioneer Theodor Christomannos. From there you have a wonderful view over the Val di ...

Easy hike for the whole family on scenic mountain trails. The highlight of the entire route is a visit to the Christomannos Monument -a bronze eagle, which was built in honor of the tourism pioneer Theodor Christomannos. From there you have a wonderful view over the Val di Fassa and the Val d’Ega as far as the Latemar group.



The family walk starts in Carezza (1,600 m) at the chair lift Paolina parking. After the ascent with the chair lift, follow the path [539] from the Paolina hut (2.125 m) until the Christomannos monument. The path [549] then continues to Roda di Vael hut (2.283 m). For the way back take the same route.