The Herrensteig Hiking Circuit in Villnöss
Bressanone, Eisack Valley & Wipp Valley
A scenic circuit along the steep southern slopes of the Aferer Geisler mountains in Villnöss/Funes.

Start the hike at the info point (only rest area on the tour) near the Zans/Zannes parking area (1,670 m). From behind the hut follow trail no. 25 down a slight incline to the Kaserillbach torrent. After about 150 m there’s a gully with a signpost indicating the Herrensteig (trail no. 25). Turn left and continue uphill until there’s a fork in the trail (1,960 m). Follow the Obere Herrensteig trail along no. 25, then ascend a steep rugged slope above the forest (2,250 m). Cross over the grassy slopes before coming to the Furtschellensattel mountain ridge (2,114 m) with a magnificent panorama. 

Head north downhill to a fork in the track and then turn sharp left onto trail n. 32/A towards the Kofelwiese meadows (1,952 m). From there follow the sign to Zans along trail no. 32 to Grassattel (Villatscher Berg – 1,895 m). The Untere Herrensteig trail continues east around the side of the mountain before reaching a crossing (1,958 m). Turn right along trail no. 32b and go down a steep slope into the game reserve. Enter the valley, passing the nature trail info boards before returning to the starting point.