Round Trip “Bad Egart”
Partschins, Merano & Surroundings
Bad Egart is considered the oldest spa in Tyrol. The spring has been used for drinking and bathing cures since 1430, but probably as early as Roman times. Today Bad Egart is home to one of the most extraordinary museums of the Imperial and Royal period as well as an open-air mus...

Bad Egart is considered the oldest spa in Tyrol. The spring has been used for drinking and bathing cures since 1430, but probably as early as Roman times. Today Bad Egart is home to one of the most extraordinary museums of the Imperial and Royal period as well as an open-air museum with many curiosities.Lake Rabland/Rablà in the midst of the Partschins mountains in Rabland: a small oasis of peace and the right place for relaxation and a nature experience directly on the water!
Walk suitable for children and buggies!



Tour StartRabland/Rablà Railway Station – Aschbach/Rio Lagundo cableway valley stationTour EndRabland/Rablà Railway Station – Aschbach/Rio Lagundo cableway valley station

Starting at the Aschbach/Rio Lagundo cableway valley station near the Rabland/Rablà railway Station, the route takes a left turn towards Rabland, continuing on the tar road until reaching the forest road towards Töll/Tel. Passing the K.U.K. (Imperial and Royal) Bad Egart Museum, you reach Töll/Tel Bridge crossing the Etsch river. Once across, turn left on to the Etsch Cycle Trail on the ancient Via Claudia Augusta and then back to the starting point.
