Scena, Merano & Surroundings
This is a short, easy tour that begins in the small hamlet Videgg. The Videgger Assen are a collection of steep mountain pastures that are still mown by hand in summer months.

Travel past the Haashof and to the end of the tarred road. Proceed for a short time over the narrow dirt road downhill, until a forest road (Assenweg) branches off to the left. Carry on upward along this road to a fork, keep to the right, and continue up the dirt road that ends in the middle of the high pastures at the Assen hut.


Drive to Saltaus in the Passeiertal, and 500 m after the exit turn right onto the narrow road to Tall. Continue through the hamlets of Prenn and Tall until just before the hamlet of Videgg. There will be limited parking available here.