Chiesetta di Santa Margherita a Marga/St. Margareth in Margen
Terento, Puster Valley
St. Margareth in Marga was first mentioned in 1309. Only the walls of the long nave can be brought into connection with this period when looking at today’s’ building. A smaller, non-vaulted church was probably the origin of this chapel. The pointed tower was probably ...
St. Margareth in Marga was first mentioned in 1309. Only the walls of the long nave can be brought into connection with this period when looking at today’s’ building. A smaller, non-vaulted church was probably the origin of this chapel. The pointed tower was probably constructed at the end of the 14th century, and the long nave was probably vaulted at the beginning of the 16th century. This is a construction with one nave. The altar room is located in the tower. S. Christopher on the façade is meant to protect the people from storms. With regard to picturesque highlights we can mention the wall painting wit the 14 helpers in need on the triumphal arch wall, which has been preserved up to date. The wing altar dating back to about 1500 with sculptures of S. Margaret, Magdalene and Catherine is also very impressive. The entire altar was restored in 1888. The extraordinary side altar, a painted wing shrine dating back to the beginning of the 16th century is also worth mentioning. In 1948/49 the inside of the church was newly lime-washed and the inventory cleaned. The key is lendable in the neighbouring house.

How to Get There By car, it is easily accessible from the A22 (Brenner motorway), exit Bressanone/Brixen in Val Pusteria/Pustertal Valley, Vandoies/Vinl, turn left in Vandoies village and go uphill until arriving at Terento/Terenten.