Sun path
Castelbello - Ciardes, Vinschgau Valley
The sun, in the dialect “Sunn”, is the all-determining force on the Vinschger Sonnenberg. It heats up the rocks and bathes the landscape in its golden light. Wonderful starting points alternate with curious, exciting and unexpected insights into the secrets of a sens...

The sun, in the dialect “Sunn”, is the all-determining force on the Vinschger Sonnenberg. It heats up the rocks and bathes the landscape in its golden light. Wonderful starting points alternate with curious, exciting and unexpected insights into the secrets of a sensitive balance of natural forces.


The hiking triology “Sunnenweg” from Kastelbell-Tschars consists of three themed hikes, which you can tackle individually or combine as a whole: The nature’s myths path, the Castle path and the Ortlsteig trail lead along the irrigation channel paths.


By car and train to Kastelbell