Rittersteig (The Knights’ Path) Naturno
Naturno, Merano & Surroundings
This circular hike near Plaus and Naturns leads through orchards, along the sunny slope and through the woods: along the way we discover cultural monuments and a varied landscape at the entrance to the Vinschgau Valley.

From the centre of Naturno/Naturns, head for the sports grounds along the road to the Bahnhofstraße road and cross the bridge over the Adige River. Over the bridge is the first signpost to the Rittersteig trail in the direction of Plaus. Head on a slightly uphill gradientbefore the road flattens out and branches to the left as it leads into the start of the Jesus-Besinnungsweg Contemplation Trail. Follow Trail No. 1 along the wooded slopes of the Nörderberg Mountain until you come to Dornsberg Castle. Continue until you reach anoutdoor gym area called “Alpine-Wellfit-Parcours” before heading to Plaus. Follow Gröbenweg road through apple orchards to the village centre of Plaus. To return, cross the bridge over the Adige River and take the Vinschgau Valley Cycling Trail, which immediately turns leftand follows the river to Naturno. Continue along the road parallel to the railway line until you return back to the starting point in the village centre.


From the centre of Naturno/Naturns, head for the sports groundsalong the road to the Bahnhofstraße road and cross the bridge over the Adige River.