Alpine Tour to the Weißspitze peak
Sterzing, Eisack Valley & Wipp Valley
The hike to the Weißspitze peak is a challenging high-altitude tour offering wonderful panoramic views of the mountains around Vipiteno/Sterzing. Your climb begins in green meadows and ends amid the rough blocks of the triangular limestone summit, from where you have a won...

The hike to the Weißspitze peak is a challenging high-altitude tour offering wonderful panoramic views of the mountains around Vipiteno/Sterzing. Your climb begins in green meadows and ends amid the rough blocks of the triangular limestone summit, from where you have a wonderful 360° panorama of the surrounding mountains. To the east are the Zillertal Alps and the Pfitschtal valley, to the south-west the glistening Sarntal Alps and the green meadows of the Vipiteno valley basin, while the northern horizon is dominated by the Tribulaun and the Weißwandspitze peaks at the end of the Pflerschtal valley.{


Route: the hike to the Weißspitze goes from the car park by the Prantneralm Alpine farm along the forest track (marked trail no. 3) to the Riedbergalm Alpine farm (you might like to fill your water bottles from the streams along the forest track or at the Riedbergalm, because there are no more springs along the route). Here the trail turns off to the right and goes past numerous cairns and over lush green pastures to the summit ridge. The last section up to the summit cross (2,715 m) is rocky and difficult.

Refreshments stops: Prantneralm, Riedbergalm.


Approach from Vipiteno via the road to Smudres/Schmuders and continue on the forest road to the Prantneralm.