293 Wuhnleger Lake loop route
Tires, Alpe di Siusi
Witnesses to the event recall the air-raid of 1943 which created the small lake at the Wuhnleger. It is now home to toads, salamanders and dragonflies, and showcases an immense biodiversity. The view of the Catinaccio and the Torri del Vajolet together with their mirror-image in...

Witnesses to the event recall the air-raid of 1943 which created the small lake at the Wuhnleger. It is now home to toads, salamanders and dragonflies, and showcases an immense biodiversity. The view of the Catinaccio and the Torri del Vajolet together with their mirror-image in the lake is an unmissable natural spectacle.


Leave the set-off point of Tiers am Rosengarten along the Kirchensteig road, and follow the tarred Oberstraße road towards the Tschamin valley. You will pass a number of farms along the forest trail down to the Bagni di Lavina Bianca. From here, it is just a short stretch to the turning point at the Tschamin Schwaige mountain hut. Fortified once again, you can begin the return journey which, shortly after the Weißlahnbad, leads to the highlight of the tour: The Wuhnleger lake. The following descent leads west until you come to the Völsegg, which takes you back to your set-off point in Tiers am Rosengarten.  

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